Davis-Moore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram FIAT

Jul 12, 2019
A Jeep Wrangler driving through a creek near Wichita, KS

One of the many perks of owning a Jeep Wrangler is the ability to go on exciting off-road adventures. Whether you’re deep in the forest or cruising on the beach, you’ll more than likely get some dirt and debris on your Jeep, but that’s all part of the fun. However, if you want to keep it looking great for years to come, you should follow these simple guidelines.

Washing Your Jeep

The first step to keeping your Wrangler looking like new is washing it regularly. Even if you don’t venture off-road that often, a mixture of dirt, air pollutants, tree sap, insect remains, and pollen will build up on the vehicle’s body and inner fenders, making the painted and chromed areas lose their shine. The good news is any local car wash will do a good job, no matter how dirty your Jeep gets, as washing a car is a fairly standard procedure.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to wash your Jeep Wrangler yourself, you’ll need the appropriate gear. Using a hose alone won’t be effective, especially if the car’s body is covered in mud and dirt. To generate enough pressure to remove all the debris, you’ll need an electric pressure washer. Also, to be sure it does a good job, preclean the most affected areas with a separate brush. 

Cleaning Your Jeep’s Windows

If you choose to clean the Wrangler yourself, washing the windows with plain water won’t be enough to get them crystal clear. The gear you’ll need to get your windows looking spotless consists of a window-cleaning spray and a few window-cleaning cloths. 

After removing most of the dirt with the pressure washer, spray the windshield with the window cleaner, and fold your cloth twice so it becomes a square. Wipe the cleaner off thoroughly with one side of the cloth, making sure to get every corner of the windshield. When the windshield looks fairly clean, turn the cloth over to its dry side and wipe again to make it shine. You can repeat this step on the side and rear windows.

Waxing Your Wrangler

Cleaning your Jeep’s body and its windows will make it look great, but waxing it will give it that extra shine and protection you’re looking for. There are many types of wax, such as liquid, paste, or spray, with the latter being the easiest to apply correctly. Aside from the spray, all you need is a microfiber buffing towel, and you’re good to go. With the spray can in one hand and the towel in the other, spray small areas and wipe them off one at a time. Make sure you wax every area of the car’s body evenly.

Keeping your Jeep Wrangler looking brand new is not only a good way to keep its resale value high, but it also brings you the joy of driving a great-looking car every day. Also, if done regularly, it can turn into an enjoyable weekend hobby.

Looking for your own Wrangler to keep clean? Check out our inventory of the 2019 Jeep Wrangler for sale in Wichita.

Image via Flickr by Petr Magera